Welcome to KnivesAtlanta
We have been selling knives in the Atlanta area for several years in our walk in shoppe. We have built a reputation for handling quality cutlery in a wide range of knives including outdoor, E.D.C.( everyday carry) , hunting, fishing, work, kitchen, tactical, custom, vintage, automatics and collector knives.
We handle many levels of knives to suit most of our customers needs and wants. Our products primarily consists of mid range to higher end cutlery, but also to supply quality work and carry knives for everyone.
Our selections include cutlery from American companies and craftsman, as well as from Germany, Sweden, Norway, France, Japan, Italy, Finland and many others across the world. We try to have a good selection of vintage knives with most at mint to near mint condition.
Thank You for visiting our site. Please stop in often , We will be adding much more very soon
including many more brands, more custom knives and a larger variety to choose from.
WE BUY KNIVES & KNIFE COLLECTIONS ~~~ Call 470 403 - 9699